Initially, before I fully understand that Feng Shui is only part of the picture I would have been the first to say that Trinkets and symbolism have no place in “real” feng shui studies.
However, just how much does the “feng shui” affect our lives? Some say it represents only 30% of any particular situation. The other 60% is divided between Time (heaven) and Man (actions).
Feng Shui is the study of the earth. So how can these trinkets these “dust collectors” be any value to the study of the earth. Not much! What it does have major value with is “man”.
While the study of Feng Shui is all about the lay of the land and how it affects your space the other part of the 3 tier equation is how the land affects “man”.
Heaven (time) Earth (space) and Man (action) is a trifactor. If all three are not in play than the results will not be a good as possible when applied.
With the “man” part of Feng Shui practice we get some wiggle room. We get a way to contribute to that trifactor by using man’s intentions and actions. Actually it is a must! Man must contribute.
Man’s mind is a very powerful device and it is imperative to use it in the practice of Feng Shui for best results. When Man is not involved it is just land. Land is static, it needs man to be inspired to act for best results. If man does nothing than good feng shui is wasted, or bad feng shui runs their life.
So how does it work?
Well just putting a trinket or object in a space and dusting it off every so often is not the way.
If you have a “symbol” or “trinket” as part of your feng shui consult than it needs to be used every single day by man. If not than it is just a trinket and will not help. It will be just a dust collector.
However, take my client, Mrs. X. She had called me in for a Feng Shui Consult over a year ago now. When I finished my inspection I was at a lost how to help this person with her out of control spending. Yes, I could see the stars that were attributing to this but the place was too small in a too dense environment for any space changes to take place. Time (astrology) was not on her side either.
Trinkets came to the rescue. Using a technique of “man” called “mindfulness” I was able to help her.
Every day when she goes to work she would remove the coin from the frog’s mouth and put it in her purse. She will also turn the turtle around to face the inside of her house (to protect it while she is gone and to protect her from overspending).
When she returns in the evening she will return the coin to the frog’s mouth and turn it around to face the door (to protect her from creditors). It is now over a year and she has reported that for the first time in her life she has a small savings account that is growing.
What this accomplished was mindfulness. This ceremony instilled in her a constant reminder of the value of her hard earned money.
Not every place can be helped by feng shui alone. As a matter of fact good feng shui without action is just wasted space.
Remember feng shui is more than just the study of the land. It is the study of the land and how it affects man at a particular time. If the land and the time is not right. Man can be just as powerful when used with mindfulness.
Is there any value of trinkets in Feng Shui?