As I was reading a recently published researched paper on working with people from different age groups, I was not surprised to see that they exactly matched the dominate Qi (chi) types of their age eras.
In Metaphysics we are dealing with the 5 phases with yin and yang polarities. In Xuan Kong (Time and Space) planning we use different time periods with profiles that correspond and correlate to the different Qi types. We can refer to these profiles to help us predict time and events. We can even use them to understand people types as is the case in this article.
For the Traditionalist born between 1925 and 1945 they say they are romantics and traditionalist. They are hard workers. This matches perfectly with the profile of Period 4.
The Baby Boomers from 1946 to 1964 are called egocentric. In Xuan Kong this era is know as Period 5. In this era it was all about the “Emperor”. It was an era when “me” was an important word. Government and ruling is all about Period 5 .
Period 6 brought in the Generation X group (1965-1980). They were making “to do” lists the research found. In Qi studies we say that era was about authority. Getting it done, controlling it and even challenging it. Running the business and gaining authority is all about P6.
Period 7 matches the Generation X group (1965-1980) again agrees with the research as the 7 era is about family, communications and empowerment. This period embraces our young children and gives them a voice. This is exactly what the metaphysical profiles of Period 7 are all about.
Generation Z Nexters group (from year 2000 on) as a hands on culture. The kids of this generation are more involved and active. Being both a leaders and a followers, like the profiles of Period 8 they can make great things happen.
Both time and people Qi types tend to flow in predictable cycles. Using time and space formulas we are able to correlate and predict results. Thousands of years of observations has given today’s practitioners a guide book to help us all live healthier, happier and more well balanced lives ….if we just follow the flows of time.
ARTICLE SOURCE: (Overcoming the Generational Gap in the Workplace)