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Qi Planning Can Prevent Heart Attacks

Lake with trees. Ancient Feng Shui principle based on time says what goes around comes around

What happens when a metal person sleeps on a fire mountain?  Metaphysically speaking that is? We are talking about the 5 Elements, or 5 Phases of Qi; Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood.

The imagery cycle of the 5 Elements is something like Water is cold, dark and free flowing, and seeps down into the earth.  Wood soaks up the water and shoots it upward.  Fire then is fueled by the wood and radiates its glow outward as it grows.  Finally it stops and settles and turns into soil.  Minerals gather in the soil and meet the water and the cycle continues in its generating sequence.

You can see the flow easier in time.  It is the seasons from spring wood, summer fire, late summer earth, fall metal and winter water.  It is in early morning- wood, late morning- fire, early afternoon- earth, late afternoon-metal and night- water.  It is time in circular motion and always repeating.

The Qi of the elements mimic the properties of their common names.  Fire is hot, and bright; it attracts. Metal is cold, commanding and cutting. Wood is creative and aggressive/ambitious, Earth nurtures and concentrates, Water gives life and knowledge.

Space has Qi.  Where you sleep has Qi, and you have Qi.  Too much fire will melt metal.  Too much metal with chop wood, too much wood will rip earth, too much earth stops the water and too much water puts out the fire.

Using this imagery you can then image that too much fire will melt metal.  This is where Qi Planning comes into play.  Since Qi phases have this predictable interaction we know that a metal person will have problems if sleeping with fire Qi.

Since the fire Qi is related to the heart is it reasonable to predict that a metal person sleeping in a fire space will have health problems with his heart.  If they are not in top physical condition it is plausible that this person will have a heart attack.

You might ask, well what if that person was in another Qi influenced space would they still have a heart problem? Probably not.  If they are on an earth mountain they may have stomach or spleen problems, metal could be lungs, water the kidneys, and wood the liver.  Depending on their phase in the time cycle of the 5 Elements predicts their outcomes.

With Qi Planning you would put a metal person on a metal or earth mountain.  These are like the guardian angles of the metal energy and even if the person is in a low cycle of time, they have assistants to help.

Just one more way Qi Planning can give you a better live.

Posted in Feng Shui, Health, Qi Planning