Want to know why Ba Zhai is so messed up? Here I share some of my research and thoughts…as I see it. Some of the major players in the story, are Yi Xing, the Monk, Guo Pu, who coined Feng Shui, and Yang Yong Song, Savior of the Poor, and most of the modern teachers and Qing Dynasty writers of 8 House Feng Shui
The story is one that can come from any time in history. It is about one person saying they know the truth and others saying, “no you don’t we do”. This tit for tat among the Feng Shui masters goes back to the beginning of Feng Shui as we know it. Even today it is not uncommon to hear people putting other methods down.
Actually that is what this post is doing. But I am so sick of the bull in Feng Shui that I have made it my mission to expose the mistruths. It is up to you to believe it or not. Feng Shui is a very useful method of living life in a harmoniously way within your environment. For that I am truly convinced. This sediment is shared among all that study it.
So the main players in this anti 8 House Campaign are none other than, “Monk Yi Xing, born Zhang Sui, who is accused of writing the Feng Shui book called “Classic for Elimination of Barbarians”.” This book has never been found…..and apparently was never written about in historical records. Haha, this is a quote written by a very famous (today) author/teacher. Yet the story has survived for over 1500 years! I say where there is “smoke” there is fire.
Even this name, which I never heard of, only in this one place where it says the monk titled his book “Classic for Elimination of Barbarians”. I think this name and story is made up from that very same master teaching today. The book that the monk was writing was being done to give to the barbarians so they would not know the true method. So why the heck would they name it “Elimination of Barbarians”? haha. Doesn’t that go against the purpose. You think the Barbarians want to read that? This is why it is not in any recorded entry. Cause this title is just more bull.
Records of 8 House Feng Shui goes way back to even before the Han dynasty. It was not as we know it today; it was more about divination. However, during the Han it did progress to be one of the top forms of feng shui. It was known back then as “trigram” feng shui.
Then later in history, comes Guo Pu around 290 CE with this whole new concept of “mountains and rivers”. Guo Pu is also being credited with coining the term “feng shui”. Everyone was blown away with the new concept; this is really good stuff (and still is).
Years later another great master of the past, Yang Yun Song came on the scene. He is well known for helping the poor. Using the material of Guo Pu and expanding on it with his extensive knowledge Yang Yun Song came to be known as the “father” of feng shui.
During the uprising of 875 CE there was a rebellion and the fall of the Imperial Capital. Yang Yun Song was able to escape with his feng shui books, one of which was Guo Pu’s ZangShu. Yang took the books he saved and set about going from house to house to help the people with this feng shui. I can only assume that his knowledge must have been amplified immensely with this work and his life is legendary because of all the good he did.
But he was only human despite all this. Humans have this thing about defending their beliefs. Yang Saving the Poor was strong in his beliefs. After all the audits he did, I for one know the power of that. It does amplify your knowledge. Well he was convinced that his acquired knowledge based on “mountains and rivers” far surpassed anything on the market. Including that antique, outdated stuff on 8 House Trigrams. He apparently was very critical of the Tang Monk. He wanted him out of the picture. At the time 8 House was the most popular. Yang Yun Song was trying to break into the market with a whole new system.
Now I am not knocking the work of Yang Yun Song. I appreciate his work very much and it is a main part of the way I do an audit. But I also work with 8 House. They are both a fantastic works of the ancient masters. But what about this fake book that the Monk supposedly wrote? It got lost, it got destroyed, or it never was. Yet if it never was why then are they still talking about it?
To me this fake book makes perfect sense. It is the only thing that explains why all the books of the Qing dynasty regarding 8 house Feng Shui are so basterized? It is because they were using Monk Ying’s fake book. That is where the work of the monk went. Today all the major schools and teachers are teaching the fake book! So ironic.
The ones you will hear dispute this story the most will be the teachers who have been teaching this bull for the last 30 years, and well you know…… they feel they have to continue the lie, is the only reason I can think of because they know out and out that what they are teaching is bull.
Just go ask your teacher what book they teach from …… if it is “Bright Mirror” then you know you are being taught the fake 8 house. That book can’t even go from cover to cover without contradicting itself. Later I will do a Bright Mirror critique just to show you how bad it gets.
So the tit for tat continues. But the proof is in the product. That is what I have found out, and what I teach. No bull just the facts.
This article is not about putting down all the teachers and writers of the fake 8 House. I truly believe in the beginning they didn’t know the difference. But now they do! That is my point.
n Search of the Lost Art: Feng Shui of the Trigrams; 8 House Feng Shui

Posted in Feng Shui, Qi Planning