A home is a place that both collects and harbors electromagnetic energy flows called Qi. Qi is the energy of life; it is breath. All living things have this energy running through them. All non living things are encased in it. These invisible energy flows can enter the home through windows and doors. They are stopped and concentrated when they meet solid objects like walls. Feng Shui is the metaphysical study of these electromagnetic energies, and how to use them to improve our lifestyles.
Feng Shui Masters have compiled thousands of years of documented cases proving that people living in enclosed buildings are exposed to stored-up Qi. They have noticed that over time, these people will exhibit behavior patterns that can be associated with exposure to calculated energy flows.
There are 144 different flows that can be found within any structure. Feng Shui practitioners believe that the wrong energy flow can bring hardships and the right flow can bring opportunities. Different energies are needed to perform different activities. For example, the correct Qi flow for an entrepreneur would be different than the one needed by an artist or a politician.
House Qi can also affect relationships. There are houses that are better suited to single people, and other houses that are better suited to those in a committed relationship. If a couple were to move into a home that were better suited for a single, then they too could soon be single.
The home is like a magnet. It absorbs and emits electromagnetic wavelengths, and there are no scientific instruments to measure these invisible energy fields. Only life can measure its power, by the way we experience its predictable influences.
The Feng Shui way is all about putting people in the right space, doing the right thing at the right time. To determine which spaces are good and which are bad, we compile Qi maps. Spaces like the main entrance, home office, and master bedroom would be designated to areas of good or timely Qi. These are the places where you spend a lot of time or walk through frequently. Qi only affects you if you are exposed to it on a regular basis and for extended periods of time.
The bad or untimely Qi would be allocated to areas that require shorter periods of time, or limited exposure to the energy. Rooms with untimely Qi would be best suited as clothes closets, utility rooms, or even guest rooms. The less time you spend in the negative space, the less likely you are to experience the unwanted influences it can bring into your life.
The principle behind the practice of Feng Shui is that the walls of a house are absorbing electromagnetic wavelengths and then emitting them back into you. This is why it is so important that the room you are sleeping or working in is emitting beneficial energy.
The bedroom is most likely one of the places where people will spend a lot of time. If you are lucky enough, you will have a bedroom with the same Qi type as your own. This
is a gift of love because it will positively affect how well you sleep and feel. It’s like getting a daily dose of vitality – way better than any vitamin booster!
Your health is affected by living in incompatible Feng Shui spaces. This results in practitioners being able to predict certain medical conditions before they happen. In particular, diseases associated with major organs can result in early diagnosis and treatment.
Good Feng Shui in the home is not a replacement for conventional medical treatments. It is more like living a healthy lifestyle and treating your body with respect. Like Tai Chi and Qi Gong, Feng Shui helps regulate your body Qi by supporting it and avoiding any unexpected issues.
The colour red can make you sick. In Feng Shui practice both the colour red and open flames can cause both fortune and misfortune. It is best to avoid using, not only the colour but also any real fire like that found in open fireplaces or even with candle use. Fire is a tricky element and should only be used by following a Qi map. It can elevate your wealth, it can also bring on extreme sickness, and it can bring on bankruptcy. A real life example of too much red affecting wealth would be the financial collapse of the chain of Target stores.
Water is considered a Qi activator and is used to activate wealth. The Chinese name, Feng Shui, translates as “Wind Water”. Wind moves Qi, and water retains it. Based on
these principles, practitioners will place water features in the best active areas to retain the good timely Qi and keep it filling the house. Be careful about placing water features without a Qi map, as placing it in an untimely area will promote the bad Qi which could bring on sickness and bankruptcy.
When rating a home’s Feng Shui benefits three things should be considered – the main entrance, the home office and the master bedroom. The main entrance needs to be bringing in the current energy based on a time calculation, and the home office needs to be in a sector that promotes the type of work you are doing. These areas affect your wealth opportunities. The master bedroom needs to support your personal Qi type or it could negatively affect both your health and your personality.
The outside of the home is important too. Real estate agents say “location, location, location are the three most important things about a property.” That couldn’t be truer for the Feng Shui home. The location must support the home’s Qi flow. Unsupported homes will not be able to enjoy good Feng Shui because the minimum requirements have not been met.
A preferred set up for the house structure itself is called an “armchair” layout. It requires that there is a house or mountain behind your house as well as on both of its sides. The only open space would be in front.
Looking out your front door you should see open space. If you have trees or other blockages in front of your main entrance, this will lower the quality of the Qi entering.
If there are no buildings or mountains on the left side, you will have no support and your finances will suffer. If you have no building or mountain on the right side of your home, you may experience sickness and then that too would eventually result in financial difficulties.
Living near fast roadways is now medically linked to Alzheimer’s. This is something Feng Shui practioners have known for a long time. If your home is near a busy road, make every effort to block the noise. Use heavy curtains and if possible plant dense shrubs or build fences to create some separation. This kind of noise affects the head and causes head related health conditions. Avoid these locations all together if possible.
Other sha Qi, or bad Qi forms, to avoid are roadways that appear to be coming directly towards your house. If there is one, it would cause the electromagnetic wavelengths to hit your home too hard. Some recommend placing a concave mirror there to absorb the bad energy, but it would only work on the spot where the mirror is located.
Some general Feng Shui tips that can be done safely without a Qi map would be to keep your space free of clutter. Clutter can dampen your spirits and drain away your energy. When you are sleeping, keep your bed against a solid wall (preferably an
outside wall away from electrical currents or plumbing pipes.) Open all your windows during the day, but keep them closed at night. Purchase a grandfather clock or wall clock that chimes every fifteen minutes. Finally, on the outside of your house, keep the main entrance inviting and bright.
Consider what your intuition is telling you about your house. You might have a favourite space in your home. If you do, it’s likely you found a space with your energy type. If you loved your house at first sight, then your personal energy is clinging to the front facade. It was probably the reason you fell in love with the house in the first place. Like energies attract.
Using Feng Shui is all about working with the principle of the Law of Attraction. Energy will attract energy. By planning the usage of your home properly, your house could positively affect your health, your wealth and your relationships. While it may seem complicated, it really is just a simple formulated equation of using time, location and action to get the best results.
Wishing you the best of Qi in your home