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CREATOR CODES 0’s and 1’s

binary computer with numbers and head

A long time ago, somewhere around 12 century BC, before the concept of numbers was even considered, there were creation codes.  These codes were expressed with a combination of broken and solid lines.  Today we know that these codes are expressed as 1s and 0s, and commonly known as the binary code.  Back then it was known as Yin, (a broken line=0), and Yang (a solid line=1).

It all apparently began with an ancient tribe known as Fu Xi and then later a king known as King Wen along with a scholar name Shao Yong (1011-1077) who put it in usable order.  Between them they discovered and documented ancient writings and ideas. Starting out with just yin and yang they were able to take it to 64 unique 6 line hexagrams.

They discovered that after starting out with just Yin and Yang (at the bottom) and exhausting all combinations of the Yin and Yang lines they were able to produce 8 x (3-line trigrams).

yin and yang to 8 trigrams


They further took the 8  trigrams and by placing one on top of the other they produce 64 (6- line) formations.  The 64 hexagrams emerged.

3x3 trigram to 6 hexagram

Each hexagram consists of a combination of the solid and/or broken lines. The compilation of data that the hexagrams produced became very useful in daily life.  It was even used for matters of state including war.  One of the common daily usages of the hexagram information was made available to help farmers with plantings, harvesting and other basic living matters.  It is still used today and continues to be sold yearly; Chinese Almanac.

The Book of Changes”, also known as the “Yi Ching”, or “IChing” consists of these 64 hexagrams.  This ancient book is also still available today and has continued to be studied by scholars.  It is considered as valuable as the Bible or the Koran and teaches a way of life.

However, it wasn’t until much later, around the 1600’s that a math genius named Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz made the connection between the hexagrams in the “The Book of Changes” and the binary code.  He found that converting the yang lines of any given hexagram to 1 and the yin lines to 0, that each hexagram had the exact same binary code sequence which is used in mathematics.

Even though numbers and zeros came much later than “The Book of Changes”, metaphysics studies have always maintained that first there is nothing (0) then there is one (1). Most scholars who study this relationship have also commented on how it has brought them closer to God. After all, it was God, they say, who was the first creator to bring about something (1) out of nothing (0).

I admit I am not a strong religious person (church going), but I do believe in God and I do believe I am strong in spirituality.  I do believe that God wants us to be proactive, and not just sit and wait for him to service us.  He wants us to go out and get what we want, as long as we stay within his rules/commandments.

Please do not misinterpret this.  I am not saying that metaphysics is in any way connected with any religion.  It is not.  However, it is my humble opinion, that the gift of the 64 hexagrams is just one of the methods/tools that God has given us to help us have choices in our lives.  It is just another tool.

My point here is that history has proven that we can use the hexagrams to give ourselves and others better lives.  Leibniz proved that hexagrams are binary codes in a different form.  We can use our imagination to see the possibilities.

The question is; if you were given a set of hexagrams, what could you create?  Here is a hint: time and space are hexagrams.

Using hexagram formulas for time and space one is able to predict and prepare annually.  You could prepare a personal horoscope based solely on your birth data.  You could even prepare for possible illnesses. Dedicated practitioners can take full control over their destinies and live their lives to the fullest preparing for the bad times as well as the good.

Posted in Feng Shui, Qi Planning