Initially, before I fully understand that Feng Shui is only part of the picture I would have been the first to say that Trinkets and…
Ideally the best way to get a good Feng Shui location is by noting your requirements. What is your Qi type, what is your type of work, what are you seeking at this time in your life, what health conditions do you have to be aware? This is the Qi management part and even though it is the secondary condition, it is a very important one and it is the one that most people start…
Will 2016 be the year the Toronto Real Estate Prices Drop? Timing is very important in the study of Feng Shui. Timing is very important…
What happen to Blackberry, Research In Motion (RIM)? In 1999 it was the hottest mobile phone on the market. Now it is struggling. Can we…