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The Event, The Strangers, and The Gifts

There are many theories as to what the Star of Bethlehem actually was and why the gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh were the chosen gifts. One of the theories I find interesting is the one that talks about the Star not really being a star at all.  It suggests rather that two planets were aligned so close together that they were seen as one.  Records show it was actually a conjunction of Venus and…


In Feng Shui practice, one of the tools we use is call, 5 elements.  The elements are given common names like: Earth, Metal, Water, Wood and Fire.  The names represent the qualities of the elements or phases and not necessarily the item itself.  For example Earth represents many things including large muscles.  Wood can represent ligaments and tendons. One way to read the 5 elements is by determining how the elements are interacting.  It will…


It was 2015, I was referred to a client to help them out Feng Shui wise.  The house had very bad form, untimely energies, along with blocked wealth.  The client told me they felt that for every step they took forward, they seem to be forced to then take two steps backward.  They were slipping fast.  I met with them and we talked about their lives since moving into the home. The husband was self…


What makes a young man choose to murder his entire family over failing school grades?   In Menhaz Zaman’s case he said it was because he couldn’t stand the thought of his parents feeling the shame of a “son like me”.  In an online post he referred to himself as a “pathetic coward subhuman” under his username “Markham Massacre”. Three years ago Menhaz was enrolled in an Engineering Program at York University.  Within the first year…