How many of you know that just by looking at a person’s face they can predict the onset of certain series diseases. Any experienced Face Reader, including your doctor, can visually see signs of heart problems right smack in the middle of your face.
Face reading has been around for thousands of years and used quite regularly by Doctors. You probably are a bit of a face reader yourself, as I am sure you have said things like, “you look dead tired”, or “you look like you have a cold”. Statements made based upon reading a person’s face.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) uses Face Reading. Old masters have identified areas of the face to be directly affected by various organs:
- Organ Location on the Face
- Kidneys Under eye area, Chin, Philtrum
- Liver Eyebrows, Temples, Jaws
- Stomach Mouth, Upper lip, Lower cheek
- Lungs Nose, Cheekbones, Skin
- Heart Eye tips and corners, Wrinkles
From just looking at your face, a trained Face Reader can tell you the conditions of your body organs. Any colours, markings or lines will give even more details. Colours are very important.
For example, if you notice that the tip of your nose is red, or darkened, it is very important to see your doctor as soon as possible, as this could be a sign of a serious heart condition.
Some possible heart conditions the darker nose tip might be indicating are:
- Blood deficiency, or a lack of blood flow
- Signs of angina pectoris
- Inflammatory problems
- Hyperactive nervous system
- Impeding heart attack
- Congestion and/or stagnation
- Hereditary deficiencies
- Murmurs or holes
- Blood clotting
Aside from eating and exercising, pampering yourself is a major requirement of a healthy heart. So this Valentine’s Day remember to honour your heart with good food, good exercise and plenty of good self pampering.