If Feng Shui changes over time, how does this reflect on a business operating for 65 years? Recently the Horseshoe Tavern in Toronto celebrated its 65th year in business. Using history compiled by the owners on their website, I compared their experiences with the Feng Shui of the building over time. The correlation was pretty amazing.
FLYING STARS FENG SHUI TIME LINE: Each time-span is ruled by its Period #, and has particular characteristics that stay with it only while it is the “ruler”. The strongest Qi of the Period, the ruler, is needed for prosperity. This ruling Qi # should be at a window or door.
For example: Feb – 1944-1964 was called Earth Period 5
Feb – 1964-1984 was called Metal Period 6
Feb – 1984-2004 was called Metal Period 7
Feb – 2004-2024 is called Earth Period 8
After extensive renovations the Horseshoe Tavern opens in December 9, 1947 as an 87 seat establishment; considered quite large for this era.
P5 Qi Map
The energy ruler for this period (1944-1964) is known as #5. This qi type is known for bringing windfall profits and unbelievable success when it is the ruler. The owners report that the Initial success was staggering.
This particular location is further blessed with the fact that the ruling energy is combined with the #4 energy that is known for music, creativity, artistry – the arts, and it is also the distance ruler and will still have a little influence. It is a perfect match, and it is at the main entrance.
Period 6. The #5 is now considered untimely and will bring lawsuits, catastrophic damages and financial losses. The new ruling energy #6 is not entering the building. There is no ruling energy now.
Mr. Starr retires and sells the business (but keeps the building) the business loses its focus. In 1978, one of the many retiring business owner/manager over the past 10 years throws a party that causes catastrophic damage and large financial losses. The business files for bankruptcy in 1979.
In 1984, the #7 emerges as the current ruler and the #7 is found at the front of the building. It is not as strong as at the door but it does bring good qi back to the Horseshoe. Mr. Starr comes out of retirement at this time and the building is divided into 3 units. This gave the business a new Qi chart and saved it from extinction. The ruling #7 is at the entrance.
Unfortunately, the new chart, even though having the ruling energy at the front door, will not be as successful as it was in the beginning. One of the reasons is it no longer has the #4 working with the ruler. Number 4 is the qi that generates the arts.
Instead, it has now double 7s at the main entrance. This is not a good feature; they do not generate each other. Money can be made, but it will not be easy money like it was in Period 5