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The Importance of Outside Forms

apartment building

This is the story of a dentist who was very successful.  He was operating in a small retail unit in a strip mall.  His staff was complaining of cramped working conditions, and his waiting room was jammed; he needed more space.  His office was operating full time and at full tilt.  This was in the early 2000s.  The time period in Xuan Kong (Time and Space) Feng Shui terms is Period 7 (1984-2004).

The ruling energy is the Number 7.  The yang or water star #7 is found at the front door; the most auspicious location, and well supported with a parking lot.

Conversely, the most important place for the yin or mountain 7 is at the rear and should be supported by something solid and protective.  This is preferably a real mountain but a large building can substitute as a virtual mountain.

4p location north

In Feng Shui, we say that yang qi looks after the money and yin qi looks after the people.  The yin star helps us with relationships and the way we treat people.  Yang supported at the front and yin supported at the rear, this is an ideal situation.

front 1

With many years of running his successful practice behind him, the dentist hires an architect to design a new larger facility.  It is now Period 8 (2004 – 2024).  So now the most timely qi type is the #8, and this new building is bringing in this new ruler both at its front and rear.  The ideal situation – when it is supported.


However, this time there is no “mountain” to support.   Even with a good energy flow (8 yang in the front and 8 yin in the rear), this new location, among other things, will not bring the successes of the previous location.


drive around parking at rear rear door rear driveway

On the rear of this building lot is a parking lot.  This is not a good feature.  It is considered a virtual lake, and will disable yin.  The traffic flow into and out of the building lot, takes you in a circle.  There will be no effective yin to support the people/clients.  Clients will feel unsupported.

Even with an auspicious qi chart, without the “forms” and “flows” to support the yang and yin areas, the qi chart will not bring you the results you might expect.  This dentist office is now only opened part-time.  This business has lost its client base.

Posted in Feng Shui, Qi Planning, Real Estate