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Business Feng Shui
Price is in Canadian Dollars:
FSRC Business Feng Shui
On-Line via Zoom. November 25, 2023, at 10 AM Toronto, Canada, zone -4.
Why learn Business Feng Shui?
- New Work Opportunities.
- Going forward from a pandemic we have a lot of struggling businesses that could use some help.
- Learn how to energize a business
- Course includes, in addition to feng shui guidance, Date Selection, ceremonies specifically formulated for energizing a space from a “slump”.
- Opportunity to expand your consultant services.
What is different about business feng shui?
- Business is all about Site and Design based on Flow of Logistics.
- Form and Function become more dynamic and industry specific.
- How to set up a business in a home compared to setting up a business in a commercial environment.
This course covers:
- How to pick a site
- How to design for profit
- Classification of Stars
- Case studies from the Classics, my case studies and Master Yu’s personal collection.
- Sun and Moon Date Selection for business. Includes step by step instructions on how to conduct ceremonies to reenergize the space and improve relationships.
This course does not include training in flying stars for residential. It is assumed you already have a good understanding of flying stars residential, including how to draw the chart, and obtain a proper facing. The course will be more about adding wealth value and being able to determine how well a space can achieve success based on forms and site plan.
If not contact me for a special offer bundle
Business Feng Shui with Residential Feng Shui combo.