Find your personal Qi
Here are three calculators to help determine the Qi force that has been captured at your time of birth. Two charts are for people and one is for buildings. The two calculators used for people are called the Ming Gua and Day Master. The third used for buildings is called the House Qi Map.

Ming Gua
The first calculator is called Ming Gua or Personal Trigram, and requires your gender, year and month of birth to make the calculation.
This calculator gives your trigram number and represents the outward character of a person that everyone sees.
Day Master
The second calculator known as the Day Master or The Four Pillar Chart, is broken down into year, month, day and hour to represent your overall year, career, marriage and relationships, children and investments.
It is used to determine Destiny Charts and yearly forecasts. This chart requires your date, month, gender and hour of birth. You would also need location of birth to do a destiny chart. The important info in this chart for general analysis is the year branch and the day stem. (Stems are the top row and branches are the bottom row.)
House Gua - Qi Map
The third Chart is for House Qi mapping and gives us an idea of the dominate Qi flows in our homes and how it may be affecting our health, wealth and relationships.