A friend called me up and asked about Frankincense essential oil as a cancer cure. She had read on line that it was good treatment. I checked out the site she was reading and actually the site looked quite authentic and reliable. The only problem is all the stuff about Frankincense essential oil as a Cancer Cure on that site is 100% BS.
They make a lot of false statements and backing it up with clinical studies of its success. However, trusted grandmaster Robert Tisserand, Essential Oil Safety author, claims that there is not one single clinical study published in peer reviewed journals in which Frankincense Essential oil was successful in cancer treatment. Here is why.
Frankincense is a sap from a tree. The sap hardens into a resin. As a resin it contains a high percentage of a constituent known as Boswellic Acid which shows promise as a cancer treatment. However, once distilled into Frankincense Essential Oil the Boswellic Acid is reduced to 0%. The reason for that is that the constituent Boswellic Acid is too heavy a molecular weight to be volatile.
A few oils that have done clinical trials are, for example, Sandalwood. It has a constituent, α Santalol, which can help with some skin cancers. Another is Cannabinoids found in Cannabis. Here is the other thing about cancer is that it is not a single pathology. There are many kinds of cancer.
In Qi Planning we also look for possible cancer pathologies. When the Earth phase is unbalanced it can become overly stressed and over-protective. Even the same phased in a Yin and yang combination can assist cancer development.
For example because Earth is correlated to stress and being overprotective this might lead to a stomach ulcer and then possibly even to gastric cancer. Similar predictions can be made for the other phases when they become unbalanced and mixed with phases of opposite polarities; even in the generating cycle like Earth and Metal phase which can support skin cancers. When Earth controls water it could lead to prostate cancer. All the phases related to various family members and body parts. From these correlations we can make predictions. While they do not all come true, being proactive may be helpful.
So moral of the story…..While the internet is a good source for information….it is always good to check with a trusted friend in the field before you blindly follow any unknown sources. Just saying….
Stay safe out there xoxo.