What happen to Blackberry, Research In Motion (RIM)? In 1999 it was the hottest mobile phone on the market. Now it is struggling. Can we see anything looking at it from a Feng Shui perspective?
The first thing I notice is that since 2004 it is without the ruling energy freely entering. This means that there is no “ruler”. There is no main energy keeping the other energies in place.
Prior to 2004 the ruling energy was found in the No.7 which was freely entering from the parking lot behind the building. It enters with the untimely No.3 (competition and lawsuits). Since the No.7 was in power (1984 – 2004) the No.3 was neutralized, the combination was very good for business.
Litigation proceedings for infringement rights started with RIM in 2001. It was not until 2004 that the Company’s protection from the “ruling energy” was lost that the Company was fined.
Trouble starts when a series of litigation (No.3) problems, starting in December 2004 with a guilty verdict in the Infringement charge. In 2005 Blackberry is fined $450 million in court costs. Then in 2006 pays out a further settlement for $612.5 million. The company begins to hemorrhage money.
In 2006 competition becomes fierce. Apple and Android make a presence (No.3). Then in 2008 RIM stocks begin spiraling downward from $149 – $50. Fast forward to 2013, the company continues to make many bad decisions as the central harmony (No.’s 5/9) of the space plays out with confusion of the mind.
This space has many untimely and bad for business energies dominating and no ruler to neutralize. There is the untimely No.3 which attracts competition – Apple/Android and litigation. The No.5 and the No.2 will attract financial loss, especially with speculation. To top it all off the central harmony (No 5 and No 9 Combination) is confusion – they made a lot of wrong decisions.
In flying stars Feng Shui it is very important to have the ruling energy freely moving within the premises. This will look after the money. How you make the money is supported by the “mountain energy” (the top number on the left). They did have some luck this way in 2003 and 2013 when the annual 4 brought them some good fortune.